For the past few weeks, I have been asking the question “Is being on shortwave radio viable?” Several listeners have sent me emails and even regular mail indicating that they are listening on Shortwave. For all that have taken the time to let me know that you actually are there has been particularly important to me to know, however, some airings will probably have to be let go. Shortwave airtime is not free, and “Truth to Ponder” is not underwritten by some large organization or ministry. Truth to Ponder started with a “seed gift” from a dear friend who encouraged me to consider doing such a program. My wife and I are mostly retired, and our personal budget is not sufficient enough for us to underwrite such a venture for very long.
I have learned from replies that there are some that are unable to listen to the program as a podcast, and I understand that. Some can hear it both on air and online. As it stands now, it appears that most are hearing the program at either 4 PM or 6 PM Eastern time. If I chose one of those two times, which should it be? Or could I split the difference and air the program at 5:00 PM Eastern on 9455 KHz?
For this program to be helpful and useful a few things need to happen. First, more people need to know the show is on radio and online. Second, the program will need additional outlets. Third, the program will need some listener support. Even the smallest of gifts can help maintain this program. There are three ways you can help. First, from the website “Can You Help” page, you can make a secure donation through PayPal™. If you listen from Anchor Podcast you can use the following link: For those that prefer, you can also mail your support to Bob Biermann, 21 Berkshire Lane #263, Sky Valley, GA 30537.
I want to thank all those that have been listening, and I pray we can maintain our current schedule at WRMI. Be in prayer, and thank you in advance.
Bob, Thank you for your broadcast today. I just submitted a reception report. It is so nice to hear ‘A voice of Reason’ in a ‘Age of Madness’. I have sent in a small donation as well to keep this ministry afloat. I heard you on 9455kHz WRMI at 21:00UT.
I do not have a preference as to what time you choose going forward just keep at least one hour on shortwave radio. As you mentioned in your broadcast the Ecclesiastes ‘There is a time for everything….a time to be silent(aka Listen to Truth2Ponder) and a time to speak,’.
I listen to, 9455 at 6 PM Eastern time.